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Between Agriculture and Urbanism,  

A study of Cuba’s resilient model
Entre agricultura y urbanismo, una investigación del modelo de resiliencia en Cuba

Year//                             2017-2018 HKU MLA2 THESIS

Keywords//                   Agricultural urbanism, Water urbanism, Socialist ideal, Transition
Thesis supervisor//     Ivan Valin




The Republic of Cuba faced the food crisis in 1900s after the collapse of Soviet Union,

the country lost access to food and other resources. Under United States embargo, Cuba must find another way to survive,

the whole country turned to sustainable farming as a alternative way to stabilize food supply.


In recent years, food security become a global concern, countries started developing sustainable farming

to improve food security and protect ecosystem. Cuba as a pioneer of sustainable agriculture,

facing a series of future challenges and issues which may definitely change its farming system.

The strategies work as a model for local farming system and also contribute to other countries that may or

facing the similar issues.


This thesis explores the contradiction between the role of sustainable agriculture and urbanism, hence,

to discuss the future possibilities in developing resilient city planning strategies for Cuba and worldwide through

raising the social awareness towards self-sustaining agricultural urbanism.

The system of strategies with Cuba experience and knowledge is not only going to solve starvation

but also contribute to urban living. This thesis reaches far beyond than a Cuban food system,

but a model that help cities to plan and develop their own self-sufficiency strategy for resilience.



In Cuba's level:

- To refocus the attention of the field

- To develop a set of strategies that resilient to the issues -

  urban expansion, use of industrial inputs and agro-tourism development

- To promote urban agriculture as part of urban system



In global level:

- To explores the contradiction between the role of sustainable agriculture and urbanism,

- To discuss the future possibilities in developing resilient city planning strategies for Cuba and worldwide

- To help cities to plan and develop their own self-sufficiency strategy for resilience

- To rethink the role of landscape architects in developing sustainable agriculture that



Urban Situation: Fragments

Phase 2 (5--10years);

Strategy 3 - Empty lots as domestic waste collect point


Urban Situation: In-between

Phase 2 (5--10years);

Strategy 3 - Agri-tourism


Urban Situation: Contradiction

Phase 1 (1-5years);

Strategy 2 - Field border as security and preventing contamination

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